Thursday, December 23, 2010

If this doesn't at LEAST make you smile.....

then I don't know what will!  Soooo cute.

I've always wanted to know how Bloggers put these videos into their blogs....and now I know and it's really not that hard :)  Its amazing what you can do when you know how.  In fact I am going to enter the steps here for easy reference for myself!

To embed a YouTube video into your blog:
  1. Find video clip
  2. Click on Embed button under chosen clip.
  3. If embedding is allowed, a new box will open with a lot of code in it.
  4. Select and copy all of the code in that box.
  5. In your blog, choose "Edit HTML" (not "compose" mode) and paste the code where you want the video to go.
Simple as that!

It was interesting to learn a little history of Google and Youtube and I did not realise that there was a 15 minute limit on the youtube video clips.

You really could waste a lot of time looking at all of those youtubes!

Monday, December 20, 2010


What is Delicious?  It is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks.

My link to my Delicious:

Other than it being a useful tool to keep track of bookmarks from any computer within the library for staff, I am wondering whether this could be useful for patrons that use the public computers at the library as they can keep track of all of their own personal bookmarks, without having to bookmark them on public computers (not sure whether it is even possible for them to do this anyway?) or other patrons being able to see them.

It would be a shame that it may be on it's way out as I have been finding it useful for my own personal use and was wondering which of the other programs to use in its place - Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon or Slashdot, all of which also appear to be internet communities where people can rate or vote on webpages, as far as I understand it! 

As these links are tagged, it allows you to find other links that other people have found that share the same tag that you are interested in.

LibraryThing:    LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for book lovers!  It allows you to create an online cataglog of all the books you own or have read or would even like to read and again, you can assign a tag to allow others with similar interests to find other similar books.  The books can also be rated and reviewed which helps other people in making their selections.

You can do searches for your books, create collections to sort your books and print off your catalog.
You can also keep your collection private.  It is not necessary to share it with others if you don't wish to.
As it allows you to join groups that cover books or topics that you are interested and you can read what others have to say and join in the 'conversations' happening it becomes like an online bookclub!

I imagine a lot of avid readers could really enjoy LibraryThing.

There is also a widget that you can put onto your webpage or blog that displays the titles of your book collection.

I think it would be great to let patrons know about this service so that they can more easily keep track of the books that they have read or wish to read.  It would also be good for libraries that have their own blogs as they can list favourites, new titles, etc.

My LibraryThing link:

Not so tricky Wikis

Does anyone else feel totally blown away with the amount of information there is to explore? It is almost overwhelming really!

Wikis are web pages that are made by a group of people who can all contribute to its content (some wikis can be contributed to by anyone, others only by a certain group of approved people) thereby achieving a website that has information that has been provided by all of the contributors.

You need to install wiki software or use a service that hosts the wiki for you, such as WetPaint.

I thought the Antioch University's staff training and support wiki was a fantastic idea. What a great way to keep all staff informed of changes in procedures and processes within the library.

I have left my comments on the wiki site and found it was quite straight forward procedure.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

RSS Feeds

Oh my goodness - I LOVED learning about RSS feeds. On a personal note, it has made it so much easier to keep track of all my favorite blogs!

This is the list of 5 blogs I chose to follow:

A librarian's blog:

SLWA's blog:

This blog was one of the first blogs I ever discovered but don't get to read it so much these days (may be I will again now I've added it to my Google Reader!):

My daughters favorite (funny!)

This is a new blog I just discovered which I haven't got to read much of but it looks interesting - crafty stuff with some free printables (for a bit of crafty fun):

RSS feeds would be very useful to keep up with what other libraries are blogging about and what they are up to.

So many blogs, so little time....

Friday, November 26, 2010

THE ART OF LIVING EACH DAY by Wilferd A. Peterson

Each day is a lifetime in miniature.To awaken each morning is to be born again, to fall asleep at night is to die to the day.
In between waking and sleeping are the golden hours of the day. What we cannot do for a lifetime we can do for a daytime.
Anyone can hold their temper for a day and guard the words they speak.
Anyone can carry his burden heroically for one day.
Anyone can strive to be happy for a day and to spread happiness around.
Anyone can radiate love for a day.
Anyone can rise above fear for a day and meet each new situation with courage.
Anyone can be kind and thoughtful and considerate for a day.
Anyone can endeavor to learn something new each day and mark some growth.
The supreme art of living is to strive to live each day well.
When we fail and fall short, let us forgive ourselves and consider the words of Emerson: "Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you will begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered by your old nonsense."Live a day at a time and remember that tomorrow is another today.


Current scenario:

Patron: "Excuse me can you please help me with this? I don't know how to (insert technical query here)?

Me: "Hmmm, sorry I can't help you with that as I've never used that before..."

I believe this course will be the answer to my desire to be able to learn about all these different technologies. I am really looking forward to becoming a little more knowledgeable to enable me to help patrons (not to mention keep up with my children and may be learn something technological that they haven't a clue about.....if that is even possible?!).

Blogs are one thing I know a little about because, I confess, I am a blogaholic. I can easily waste spend a lot of time reading my favorite blogs. I find you can learn a lot from other like-minded people but you can also waste a lot of time reading through all the tailings to get to the gems!

Although book reviews, advice of upcoming events, etc can be done on a website I believe that a blog could make it a lot more 'personal' because people can 'join in the conversation' by adding their comments, which can also be replied to (but the librarian gets to 'stay in control' as comments can be moderated).  I wonder if it could be used in the role of an online bookclub for those that don't have the opportunity to go out and join one (for mothers of young children or housebound people)?  But I am also wondering if there is in fact some better medium to do that such as a forum type set-up?  Hmm, yes, so much to learn!

Anyway, hopefully the scenario at the beginning of this blog will have the happy ending of my being able to say "Yes I CAN help you with that!"

Time to put up our L plates and start learning.  Happy learning everyone.