Sunday, January 2, 2011


Podcasts are non-music audio or video recordings that you can download and listen to either on your computer, MP3 player or iPod.  Although podcasts actually come in a few different forms, ie. vodcast (videos), screencast (conferences and displays presentation slides) and podcasts (audios) they seem to all be generally known as podcasts.

You can even subscribe to them through RSS feeds or through itunes or a podcatcher so you don't miss out on any that you may be following.

Personally, I find Podcasts great for entertainment on the go and also for learning about any particular interests you may have that podcasts have been produced for.  If I get a chance to find something of interest to download, I will listen to it whilst doing the housework - makes the time go much faster!

I don't have any particular favourite podcast, I just listen to whatever I may be interested in at the time though one of my daughters loves to listen to the Hamish and Andy podcasts that she missed on the radio!

I suppose Podcasts could be useful as a learning tool (as long as it was with video, so a vodcast, as I'm sure there are lots of people like me who are visual rather than auditory learners!).  I can see that podcasting is great for libraries that have guest speakers, authors, etc but I am still a little unsure what else they could really be used for at the moment. 

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